Sunly X Opinion Festival 

We were honoured to have had Opinion Festival ask us to be the Green Future area patron this year. How did we get there though? By biking, of course! 

It takes a special kind of zeal and spirit to take on 100km on a saddle. We even had a unicycle! For the fifth time already, we were able to prove to ourselves, our followers, and to passers-by that we can all be healthier and choose more sustainable means of transport. 

As usual, we had our merry band of friends with us at the festival – Solarstone Energy sunroof, Sunly City and CityBee Estonia electric cars, Energiasalv’s virtual reality with the spirited Jeopardy game, and lots of good ideas on how to make the green revolution a reality. 

Some words of wisdom from our discussions, where we focused on how to benefit the society and community by sharing thoughts on achieving a greener future: 

Martin Kruus (Sunly’s co-founder and board member) on “The Real Cost and Impact of Green Energy Tech”:  

The technologies are there but the consumers to decide whether we make the green transition if and when they can benefit from it.” 

on “Should People Be Responsible for Their Own Energy Security” 

Taavi Velleste (Sunly City RevOps Manager):  

We need to make things simple enough for any consumer to understand, in order to ensure that everyone can effortlessly become more energy efficient.” 

Rasmus Armas (Elektrilevi board member):  

We’re seeing further growth in energy generation, but also in storage and consumption management. Plus, people themselves are starting to look more closely at how much power generation they need.” 

Konrad Hanschmidt (Gridio CEO):  

If there’s a reliable package on offer that includes all the solutions, then people may be willing to turn a blind eye to the cost.” 

A big thank you to the organisers, the riders, the speakers, and everyone else that helped make the event happen – let’s do it again next year!