1 minute read3. september 2020

Shoulder to Shoulder

Shoulder to Shoulder

This year’s Opinion Festival provided an unique opportunity to get involved in the construction of a solar farm. We invited people to help us out with Sunly’s Järve solar farm in Kriilevälja situated near Paide in the middle of Estonia.

During the workshop, we installed solar panels on the frames and connected cable. In the meanwhile, SunService experts, who build solar parks on a daily basis, answered different questions. At the end of the event, we heated up soup by using our own solar power. After all that construction work the soup tasted especially good. 

As we are strong supporters of community energy, the Opinion Festival became very special for us when so many people came together for the common goal – to build a solar park and switch it on. Around 30 people took part of the workshop – that is what we call community power! There were Sunly employees and colleagues among the participants, but also lots of new friends. As one of the participants wrote on the back of the solar panel: “It’s the shoulder to shoulder feeling that unites”.