1 minute readPublished 988 days ago

Sunly wins 51 MW of solar power in Polish auctions

Sunly wins 51 MW of solar power in Polish auctions
sunly polish solar auctions
sunly polish solar auctions

Sunly has secured 51 MW of solar power capacity in Poland’s latest solar auctions rounds in December 2021. The new solar projects have been awarded 15-year CfD contracts, providing them with a guaranteed level of electricity prices.

The 32 PV projects with a total capacity of 51 MW are located throughout Poland and will be commissioned latest by the end of 2023. The capacity of new solar farms ranges between 0.56 and 8 MW.

After winning the solar auctions, Sunly’s solar power portfolio will increase to 182 MW.

The Polish Energy Regulatory Office announced that the lowest bid for the small-scale solar projects (less than 1 MW) stood at 219 PLN/MWh (~48 EUR/MWh), while the highest bid was 278.87 PLN/MWh (~61 EUR/MWh). In similar auction in June 21 the bids were respectively 207 PLN/MWh (~45 EUR/MWh) and 253.37 PLN/MWh (~55 EUR/MWh).

For the large-scale solar, the bid prices were between 139.64 – 261.07 PLN/MWh (~30 – 57 EUR/MWh), while in June’21 these were 179 – 242.98 PLN/MWh (~39 – 53 EUR/MWh).